Be sure to always refer to the Woot Property Criteria page if you need details on the type of properties Woot buys and cities we operate in.
You can submit up to 5 Properties with each form. Please remember the property ZIP CODE. Thank you!
Be sure to always refer to the Woot Property Criteria page if you need details on the type of properties Woot buys and cities we operate in.
You can submit up to 5 Properties with each form. Please remember the property ZIP CODE. Thank you!
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I would like to, on a regular basis, send you motivated sellers of high equity property (free & clear) that is typically vacant. The first 5 I have submitted are all in Fountain and I will routinely send you 5-10 per week in each area in which you purchase/sell homes. Can you handle that amount?? My goal would be to earn $1500 – $2000/week as a house finder. Do you also want bank-owned properties?